Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

While temperatures here in Central Pennsylvania aren't quit cold enough for snow, it is time in our area for residents to reflect on what the next few months will bring.  Will we get alot of snow or will it be a mild winter?  Only time will tell.

Antiques evolve with time just like people.  They mature and grow in exposure to situations in our daily lives.  A simple piece of furniture from your grandparent's childhood could find itself in your home as a treasured piece of the past.  Pick up any home magazine these days and you will find all of them feature layouts praising the combination of vintage antiques with today's traditional furnishings.

Furnishings might not be what you have in mind with the upcoming holiday season.  My Christmas gift list has more toys on it than 'useful' gifts.  But we do have quite a selection of housewares, decorations, furnishings and entertainment pieces if that's what you're shopping for.

Shop in comfort and visit us at the Olde Barn Centre.  We're open 10 am to 5 pm, seven days a week with the coffee always on.  We will be closed Thursday, November 24th for our employees to observe the Thanksgiving holiday with their family and friends.  Hope to see you soon.