Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Let me start by saying on behalf of everyone here at the Olde Barn Centre, we thank all those men and women who serve our country, at home and abroad.  We are truly home of the free because of the brave.  THANK YOU.

Final preparations are being made for our June First Sunday Market and hope you will stop by.  Just a reminder we open at 8 a.m. for this event only but the shop will remain open until 5 p.m.  I shouldn't have requested the heat in my last post because someone sure turned up the thermostat.  We went straight from 40 and rainy to 80, muggy and more rain.  Weather is something everyone has an opinion on.  It's too much for some and not enough for others.  From handmade quilts and comforters to Adirondack rocking chairs for star gazing....whether you like it cold or hot, inside or out we have some amazing finds for you.

Please enjoy your holiday weekend with family and friends from everyone at the Olde Barn Centre.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things Are Heating Up

Or so they should be considering we're in the month of May.  April certainly provided us with the showers and flowers are blooming all over Central Pennsylvania, that's for sure.  But Mother Nature hasn't seen fit to provide us with more than a few sunny hours on any given day.

All sorts of summer antiques are finding their way into the booths at the Olde Barn Centre.  We have some great summer furniture, wagons, wheelbarrows and garden tools.  Pick up a floral tablecloth, some pretty ice tea glasses and invite friends over to sit on the porch to visit.  We have a new batch of Amish rockers on the porch that just arrived two weeks ago.  These rockers are new (not antiques) but are a great addition to any home for either inside or out.  They get rave reviews and are only available certain times of the year.

I'd like to announce our First Sunday Markets are scheduled for 2011.  The first First Sunday will be June 5th, 2011 and then again on August 7, 2011.  We invite outside dealers to set up their wares and open at 8 am to the public.  The outside market is open from 8 am to 12 noon but the Olde Barn Centre will be open until 5 pm, our regular closing time.  We're hoping for a good turn out and great weather.  Stop by if you can.